Thursday, June 16, 2011

Comics and Movies, kinda sorta

 Things that are comics related: I took a bunch of D and D books that I got for free from Craigslist to my local comic book shop/2nd hand book store to see how much credit I could get. Turns out I got plenty (don't worry about me getting 'taken'. I had done a lot of research and there was no market for them on ebay or Besides store credit is always more than cash on the barrel-head). So, with store credit in hand I splurged and grabbed another volume of Dark Horse's reprints of Little Lulu. I also managed to pick up the Showcase of Bat Lash. I can't wait to review those stories for ya'll.

One last thing. Every year our church does a series called At the Movies (this being the tenth year) where the pastor shows clips of recent films and then discusses a Biblical principle based on the clip. To celebrate the tenth year, our AV department decided to shoot promo teasers for the series and I got to be in the first one.

Yup, that's me, the handsome handsome devil...with the ax. Have I said how much I enjoy being the most famous escaped mental patient with an ax in our church? I also work in Children's Church as well, he he he he


Sea-of-Green said...

Hey, not many people are lucky enough to be handsome, handsome devils with axes! ;-)

Philip Marlowe said...

Dwayne, you look much younger than my mind's-eye image of you, which was of 1970s-'80s character actor Mickey Jones of V series fame. ;)