Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time, ye are soooo fleeting

Spent last week in Illinois at an In-Laws wedding, this week is bathroom demolition/renovation, next week is business trip to Utah. Luckily I have gotten a few posts pre-posted and scheduled, but the review of Jonah Hex 84 is getting to be very very elusive.

I'm still working on it though, slowly, slowly. Good news is that my printer/scanner/fax/steaming pile-o crap is finally working and has stopped dumping it's IP address randomly.

On related Jonah Hex news, I scored these little beauties off ebay.
That's right, four Jonah Hex temporary Tattoos from San Diego Comic Con. Love the look, all cattle-brand burnt looking. THIS is the lettering that should go on the poster, not that blue metallic Transformers crap.

Since I have four, I feel like sharing but I'll have to devise some sort of contest. hmmmmm. A contest......


SallyP said...

Tattoos aren't exactly my thing, but those are really cool looking. I love the lettering.

I DO hope that there is another bathroom, while you are taking yours apart? Chamber pots are so outre'.

Kiwi TV said...

Make a ice T-shirt...